“I Know” Promotional Materials Order Form

Just fill out the quick contact sheet and the order form, and click submit!

You should receive your promotional materials in about a week. If you have any questions, please call 800-758-0880.

‘I Know’ is a program of the LA County Department of Public Health. It offers free home testing kits for chlamydia and gonorrhea to young women, trans men, and anyone with a vagina, ages 12-24. Chlamydia and gonorrhea cause more than 25,000 infections in young women under age 25 in LA County EACH YEAR. These infections are curable! But left untreated, they can cause more serious disease and permanent damage including chronic pain and infertility. Most cases have NO symptoms at first – the only sure way to know you are infected is to test. Partner with us to tell LA County youth about this program!

Contact Information

Please enter your contact information to place your order.

All fields are required unless otherwise noted.

Order Form for Display and Handout Materials

Please enter a quantity for each item you are requesting.

Also see larger images of selected items below the form.

Item #ImageItemSizeMaximum per Order
(or call 800-758-0880)
Your Order
(enter quantity)
P-LPoster – Lg
2-sided, English / Spanish
11" x 17"10
P-SPoster – Sm
2-sided, English / Spanish
8.5" x 11"10
TTTable Tent
2-sided, English / Spanish
8" x 4"5
S-GSticker – “Group”2.5" x 2"25
S-HSticker – “Heart”2" x 2"25
CChapstickUsual Size50
HSHand Sanitizer4" x 1/2"50
BDrawstring Bag14" x 17"10
WCWallet Card
2-sided, English / Spanish
3.5" x 2"50

Order Form for Digital Images, for Website Links and Social Media

Link to: donthinkknow.org (portal) or la.donthinkknow.org (LA County site)

Select as many images as you want. Images will be sent in English and Spanish, in small, medium, and large sizes – see sample images below.

Image #LayoutSelect